Saturday, January 23, 2016

Screech Owl on Spring Creek Trail


Today as I was walking along the Spring Creek Trail near the Fischer Natural Area in Fort Collins, when I spotted a flicker pecking on a tree and hopping in and out of a hollow that it seemed to have claimed for itself.

A woman that I met along the way asked about what I was taking pics of, and then asked if I had ever seen the screech owl that lives on Spring Creek Trail. I told her that I had not, and she proceeded to give me instructions on how to find this owl, which she called Penelope.

Above is a short video of the owl in the tree.

The first time that I headed over to her tree, she was nowhere to be seen, but a few minutes later I was still in the area and I heard a walker asking her partner if she could see the owl. I headed back over, and there she was.


This is what the owl's tree looks like from Spring Creek Trail.
