Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hannah Banana

We found a SUPER SWEET hiking dog today being adopted out at Petsmart. Her name is Hannah Banana. She was originally taken from a badly run shelter in Arkansas who had over 120 dogs. Hannah Banana has a new home now. She is very submissive with the other dogs, loves walks, and flops over when she is petted like a girl version of Purr Bot. I'll be posting more pics of Hannah on this page below the news articles over the next week or so.
From a sad beginning to a happy home: The story of the "hoarding" shelter where Hannah Banana was rescued by the ASPCA along with more than 120 other dogs.  
This video tells the tale of all the hard work and sacrifice that went into preparing Hannah for her new home. We are indeed thankful to Dr. Corry Key and Justin Key for organizing the efforts that led Hannah to our door.
 Scarlet quickly warmed up to Hannah.
 Hannah playing with Bean and Smudgie within an hour of arriving.

Sleeping at the end of a long day.

First wake up in the house. Hannah plays with the zebra toy.

She is very calm, 
but gets a LOT of energy quickly when it's time for a walk.
Zero to Sixty in 5 seconds.
Perfect running and hiking companion!

Such a sweet girl!
 Bean seems to think of Hannah as her new mom. 
Hannah seems content with that role.
 Let sleeping dogs lie... (including Scarlet, at the top corner of the pic)

Bean is raring to go. Hannah is just content to be on her back and indiscreet.
